Wanted Category

WANTED LIVESTOCK - Call, email or SMS Sam if you have any of the below stock and he will connect you with buyers.


Dorper Ewes and Ewe Lambs Wanted

Market rate paid for sound Dorper breeding sheep for delivery into SW QLD or Southern Riverina, prefer lines in 4 deck loads and larger.

Quality lines of mixed sex lambs also considered.

250 Cows and calves

Ultra Black, Angus or a slight Bos Indicus cross is preferred. Not looking for a big soft / fat cows as the country is a bit hard, hence a cow with Northern influence would also suit. Rejoined for sping calving. Quiet temperament and minimum 3 deck lines. Cattle will end up in Central West NSW

PTIC Angus Cows

Mid life cows preferred. Good commercial cows, ideally one mark, joined to Angus bulls to calve June, July, or August.

Min 3 deck loads. Will end up in Central West NSW

If you would like to find out more information about advertising or nominate livestock, contact:

Sam Levett 0402629747 or emailsam@theherdonline.com.au

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