Feeder Cattle And Lambs

To advertise on this page, please send the following information via SMS or email to

Sam Levett 0402629747 or emailsam@theherdonline.com.au

Minimum 2 decks required to advertise on this page. If this is not met, the listing can be

advertised in Paddock Sales

Stock Description including number of cattle or nominate as per number of decks.

Weights of stock including range and average or estimated weight if to be weighed on trucks.

Any breeding information and health treatments.

Location and selling agents name and contact information.


1 B Double coming in next week.Majority black baldys with some Angus and Angus Santa x strs

Strs will be weighed 290 kg plus should average around 330 kg

Located in Tasmania. Contact Cade at AWN Tasmania

150-200 EU PTIC Angus heifers. Bred by and joined too well known Angus

Approx. 440kg. Joined 3/9/25 to 26/10/25. Located in SA. Contact Sam 0402629747

It is the responsibility of the selling agent to communicate any sales with Sam at The Herd. If agents do not use the system honestly, the will have their access to The Herd platform removed. Agents will be charged $8 plus GST for cattle and $1.00 plus GST for sheep.

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